Friday, March 25, 2011

Dont be dirty!

Hi guys!

           Chobot just got a solution to the problem of dirty body.When we play too much and get tired we need a bath,when anyone shoots a cake on us we need a bath to clean body.Theres a new item in the shop which is the shower.

Hiki  i like the shower it will 100% give me refreshment so thank-you.Hope you all liked it too!


Friday, March 11, 2011


Hi guys,

I was giving my examinations.I didnt have time to post,

There are so many new awesome things in chobots,the one i like the most is the spring park you gotta check it out guys!Meet you all at the next post and i will try to post daily from today.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Contest! :)

Hey frndz!
long long tym no post xD
hope you all doing fine :)
well for now i have a contest for ya all'll have to just make any item in this one....yeah xD.
draw tops bottoms hairs background or watever ya like :)
um..there wil be 3 winners xD
n yeah..for the prizes..plzz comment of what you think teh winers shall get :)
well it's all for now
bye peepz n best of luck for the contest:)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New items!

Hi Guys,

Hikikomori just now added 2 new hand items.Take a look at them:
They are so awesome,
The 1st is for juniors and the 2nd is in the crown catalog for citizens.

Have fun,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

Hi Guys,

Happy valentines day everybody.Today we will be holding two awesome huge partys on chobots.So have lots of fun today.
              Hiki just added a new magic on chobots today.It is so lovely.

Have a nice day,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


  • Non Citizen :O
The new board is huge but has a astonishing speed . But is cheap so that every1 in cho can have awesome fun checkout the shop you gotta keep that board.


     Till next updates .....